You are currently viewing Major-5 Google search Algorithm Updates in 2021

5-Main Google Algorithms/Updates | Panda, Penguin, Page Layout, Hummingbird, RankBrain.

Today I will discuss Google’s popular search Algorithm/Updates 2021. It will help you to rank first on Google’s search result page.

Most useful google search algorithms-2021

Panda, Penguin, Page Layout, Hummingbird, RankBrain. Don’t worry it’s not about birds it is Google’s most popular 5 algorithms. Google updates its algorithm day by day. These algorithms can affect your site’s Traffic, Ranking & Impressions. Many sites fall down for their updates. Google mainly works to fulfill their user’s search intent that’s why they publish their search algorithms. 


1.Panda Algorithm

Google published this Panda Algorithm in February-2011. It works for spammy content / “low-quality sites” or “thin sites”. This means newly published sites. Which copy others’ posts/content and replace the copy content with synonyms/keywords and published it. They don’t create contains for users, only use keywords on their content to manipulate search engines. This Panda decreases their site ranks who published spammy, copied, garbage, and low-quality content. In this case, now they are publishing fresh content not copied & spammy.

If you want to rank on Google, then you should avoid pasting others’ copy content and unnecessary keyword stuffing on it. Your contest must have fresh, new, and unique.


2.Penguin Algorithm

Google published this Penguin Algorithm in April-2012. It works for poor/irrelevant backlinks. Who uses bad, spammy, error-relevant backlinks and over-optimized encore text. Google removes those websites from its ranks. It works for increasing the quality of backlinks, not to increase the number of backlinks. Before this update, people only depended on backlinks to rank their sites on Google.

Google only sees the relevancy to the backlink site and site authority. In 2016 it is part of googles core algorithm.


3.Page Layout Algorithm

Google published this Page Layout in January- 2012. It mainly works on the structure of the webpage. In this update, many sites lost their rank on Google. Because they run many ads on that page and do not have any proper useful content for their users. Nowadays many people browse Google on their mobile phone rather than a computer that’s why page layout must be responsive on mobile phones. Because mobile phones do not support the full version of the website page.

If you want to rank on google then you should optimize your mobile version of the site by reducing ads and use proper useful content which helps the users.


4.Hummingbird Algorithm

Google published this Hummingbird in September-2013. It was a big update that impacts search quality and speed. Hummingbird mainly works to stop Keyword stuffing and improving the content quality. It can understand the user’s Intent and it is a real-time algorithm. It stops over-optimized page ranking. If your content is optimized for one main keyword but your content provides lots of valuable intend /relevant information on it.

Hummingbird can be rank your post/content in semantic searches on google or you can get another rank for your good content. It also helps for users’ voice search intent. 

5.RankBrain Algorithm

Google published this Rankbrain in October-2015. It is a machine learning algorithm that helps Google to unique search quarry, users intent, and meaning. It is one of the main googles ranking signals. Google doesn’t realize their RankBrain Algorithm working patterns publicly. Every 15% of quarries on google are unique but the RankBrain algorithm helps google to fulfill this search. So you can imagine how important it is.

If you want to get more traffic from google then you should avoid keyword stuffing and make your content users friendly & informative.


  • On the above, you can say that google works for their users to give proper information to them. If you are a blogger or woks for your clients you need to remember that your/their content must be informative, users friendly, not over-optimized, avoid keyword stuffing, copy posting, mobile-friendly, relevant for backlinks

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