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Pinterest Optimization

Complete optimization/How to optimization of Pinterest Profile | Board | Pins I’ll show you stape by stape. Pinterest can be a great way to drive traffic to your new site to build an audience and grow your business. Let’s dive right into it how to optimize your Pinterest content. Make a complete SEO-friendly Profile, Board, and Pins.


How Pinterest works?

Pinterest is a photo/image sharing platform. It is similar to Google as a search engine. People want here to have an amazing experience. Similar to Google, Pinterest indexes the pin. Pinterest is a Visual search engine it has their own AI robot called ‘PIXIE’. Pinterest also needs SEO for better ranking.


Let’s understand what your pin is about.

Imagine that your Pinterest account is like a store. If you go into a hardware store, you would expect to find hardware in the store. You wouldn’t expect to turn the corner and find a shelf of apple pies. In this magical Pinterest store, your boards are your aisles, these are the rows that you go down within the store, and those are organized in a certain way, around a particular topic or theme.

And then your pins are like the items on the shelves themselves. And so all of those things work together to help Pinterest understand what your pin is about.

This is why it’s so important to optimize your account. And that includes your boards, your profile, and your pins. 

Optimize- Pinterest-Account-Boards-Pins

How To Optimize Your Pinterest Boards.

Now when you first go and create a board, Pinterest lets you just create the board, all you need to do the board title and optimized that title for Search Engin Friendly with keywords that you’ve researched and add a description about your board.  

How To Optimize Your Pinterest Profile.

At first, you need to create your account, select a name or change the name as your brand/company name. At the site of your profile name or you choose your niche/category you are working for. It helps your audience when they search a category which you’re working for they can show your profile on their search result. Then go to your profile description section and fill up your details by recharging KeyWord on your niche. Then cheng the user name. It might me look good, not complicated.  If you reach more people or want to know the engagement of your pin. You need to make your profile into a business profile. Don’t worry it just free. Go to the settings and make a business profile. That’s why you can see the analytics of your pin.


How To Optimize Your Pinterest Pins.

Then come to the last step is to optimize your pins. And the first thing that comes here to KeyWord recharge for Pinterest on adobe I told you. Take keywords and use some of those keywords on your pin title and description by using key phrases. You can use some related KeyWord as a Hashtag (#) in the description. Then optimize pins photos. It must be preferred 1000*1500 px images size. Because Pinterest is maximumly used in mobile phones. Well done you do all things but you can say that people aren’t clicking on my pin! Yes, because your pin mush has text on your pin images which attracts your audience from others, that’s called the “Call To Action Button”. If there’s no CTA button so why people click on your pin image. 

If you use Stock photos then you should have some modifications to it. That also helps your pins’ ranking.

As an example, you can see my Pinterest account also follow me (@paponsahabd)

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